Grubby - Manuel Schenkhuizen

Manuel "Grubby" Schenkhuizen - Age of Empires Player

Manuel Schenkhuizen
Date of Birth:
May 11, 1986
World Ranking:
Country Ranking:

Total Prize Money Earned:
$363,571.92 From 174 Tournaments
Alternate IDs:
4k.Grubby, Abuseyoudna, EG.Grubby, Grubby, MYM]Grubby, [Grubby] Grubby

Manuel "Grubby" Schenkhuizen is a Dutch player who plays Protoss in StarCraft II, and Orc in WarCraft III.

In WarCraft III, Grubby has won more than 38 LAN tournaments, six of which are World Championship titles. He has been consistently ranked in the Top 10 WarCraft III players in terms of winnings each year since 2004. He was rated the #1 top WarCraft III player in the World by SK Gaming and on February 2006 to dethrone his rival Jang "Moon" Jae Ho, going up from the second place position he received when the ranking was first conceived 3 months earlier. Grubby mainly played solo, but when playing 2v2 on Four Kings, he often played with his teammate Yoan "ToD" Merlo. Though after the recruitment of Olav "Creolophus" Undheim, he and Grubby form Four Kings' primary 2v2 team. Creolophus, however, decided to retire to continue his studies, so Grubby has teamed up with his long time teammate, Sebastian "FuRy" Pesic. Showing consistent strong tournament finishes since 2004, together with Moon he is the only player in WarCraft III history to have at least one major tournament every year since 2004.

Rather than joining another team in SC2, Grubby decided to go for solo sponsorship. SteelSeries supported him throughout 2011, but the sponsorship was dropped due to insufficient tournament results and overall exposure. He announced Twitch.TV as his new sponsor in early 2012.

After the award ceremony of Blizzcon 2009 where he took 2nd place, Grubby proposed to his girlfriend and former Ms. Singapore Universe 2004 contestant, Cassandra "PpG" Ng on-stage. He is also featured in the documentary film "Beyond The Game" along with other WarCraft III pro-gamers.

Grubby had put his playing career on hold, but did not officially retire. He began casting StarCraft II events, but also dove into casting Heroes of the Storm.

In the web mockumentary, Pure Pwnage, the main character Jeremy receives a phone call from "Grubby". Jeremy notes on his inability to beat "Gosu Night elf players".

Earnings By Year

Total ResultsOnline ResultsOffline/LAN Results

Earnings By Age

Total ResultsOnline ResultsOffline/LAN Results
36 Years Old$682.5010.19%|$682.5010.19%|$0.0000.00%
34 Years Old$75.5010.02%|$75.5010.02%|$0.0000.00%
30 Years Old$4,362.0011.20%|$0.0000.00%|$4,362.0011.20%
28 Years Old$6,386.1481.76%|$682.3240.19%|$5,703.8241.57%
27 Years Old$20,803.95105.72%|$1,753.9520.48%|$19,050.0085.24%
26 Years Old$18,180.95165.00%|$3,575.0040.98%|$14,605.95124.02%
25 Years Old$12,823.28203.53%|$5,227.73131.44%|$7,595.5572.09%
24 Years Old$22,424.12146.17%|$862.5560.24%|$21,561.5785.93%
23 Years Old$41,897.911111.52%|$5,105.3841.40%|$36,792.53710.12%
22 Years Old$48,588.691713.36%|$6,732.2561.85%|$41,856.441111.51%
21 Years Old$27,879.23177.67%|$878.8960.24%|$27,000.34117.43%
20 Years Old$54,319.121714.94%|$253.9010.07%|$54,065.221614.87%
19 Years Old$55,058.801815.14%|$1,346.0040.37%|$53,712.801414.77%
18 Years Old$37,858.611710.41%|$3,474.57120.96%|$34,384.0459.46%
17 Years Old$12,231.1263.36%|$676.1230.19%|$11,555.0033.18%

Earnings By Game

Total ResultsOnline ResultsOffline/LAN Results
Age of Empires IV$682.5010.19%|$682.5010.19%|$0.0000.00%
StarCraft II$58,409.555416.07%|$9,893.66222.72%|$48,515.893213.34%
WarCraft III$303,059.0311783.36%|$19,329.66425.32%|$283,729.377578.04%
WarCraft III: Reforged$75.5010.02%|$75.5010.02%|$0.0000.00%

Earnings By Team

Total ResultsOnline ResultsOffline/LAN Results
Dutch National Team$1,000.0010.28%|$0.0000.00%|$1,000.0010.28%
Evil Geniuses$62,761.462417.26%|$5,967.93101.64%|$56,793.531415.62%
Meet Your Makers$55,381.802115.23%|$7,025.3681.93%|$48,356.441313.30%

Highest Prize Money Won

1.2004-10-101st» WCG 2004 (WarCraft III)$25,000.00WarCraft III
2.2006-12-101st» WSVG Finals 2006 (WarCraft III)$20,000.00WarCraft III
3.2008-11-091st» WCG 2008 (WarCraft III)$19,000.00WarCraft III
4.2009-12-191st» WEM 2009 (WarCraft III)$14,000.00WarCraft III
5.2005-07-101st» ESWC 2005 (WarCraft III)$13,000.00WarCraft III
6.2005-10-291st» BlizzCon 2005 (WarCraft III)$10,000.00WarCraft III
7.2009-08-222nd» BlizzCon 2009 (WarCraft III)$10,000.00WarCraft III
8.2004-01-121st» Cyber X Gaming (WC3)$10,000.00WarCraft III
9.2007-02-142nd» MBCGame WWW I 2007$8,000.00WarCraft III
10.2010-08-15WIN» WEG e-Stars 2010: Continental Cup (WarCraft III)$7,602.64WarCraft III

Top Placements

49 Tournaments
23 Tournaments
31 Tournaments

Other Statistics

Overall Ranking

Grubby is currently ranked #846 in highest overall earnings, and #11 in highest earnings for players from Netherlands.

Prize Money Earned Under 18 Years of Age

Before Grubby turned 18 years old, he earned $12,231.12 in cash prizes from 6 tournaments. 3.36% of his total prize money was earned before May 11, 2004.

Largest Prize from a Single Tournament

The most money that Grubby has won from a single tournament was $25,000.00 from WCG 2004 (WarCraft III) on October 10, 2004. His 1st place finish makes up 6.88% of his total prize money won.

$100,000 Milestone

Grubby overtook the $100,000 milestone on May 3, 2006, winning $7,000.00 and placing 2nd at WEG Masters (WarCraft III). Prize money from 41 tournaments got him to that point.

Notable Contributor

Grubby has contributed to the competitive scene of the following games outside of competing in tournaments.

Heroes of the StormAnalyst, Commentator
StarCraft IIAnalyst, Commentator


Manuel Schenkhuizen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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