Age of Empires IV

Release Date:
Prize Money Awarded:
$1,271,261.87 From 455 Tournaments
Recorded Date Range:
2021-09-18 to

Age of Empires IV is a real-time strategy video game developed by Relic Entertainment in partnership with World's Edge and published by Xbox Game Studios. It is the fourth installment of the Age of Empires series. The game was released October 28, 2021, for Windows.

Largest Prize Pools

 Tournament NamePrize Money
1.» Red Bull Wololo: Legacy 2022 Age of Empires IV$300,000.00
2.» Golden League$124,001.00
3.» N4C$100,000.00
4.» Golden League II$70,449.99
5.Winter Team Championship$40,000.00
6.» Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado Age of Empires IV$30,000.00
7.» The Elite Classic$29,925.00
8.EGC Finals 2023$25,000.00
9.Master of Realms$25,000.00
10.The Elite Classic II$25,000.00
11.The Outback Octagon 2$25,000.00
12.» Winter Team Championship 2$22,000.00
13.» AoE4 Pro League$20,000.00
14.» EGC Masters Winter$20,000.00
16.» Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado Age of Empires IV: Qualification$20,000.00
17.» SteelSeries Prime Cup 2021 (AoE IV)$20,000.00
18.» Winter Championship$20,000.00
19.» The Outback Octagon 3$16,000.00
20.Glorious Evolution Battle$15,678.00
21.Call To Arms$15,400.00
22.Afreeca Duos$10,000.00
23.Castle Cup$10,000.00
24.Forged in Steel$10,000.00
25.The Outback Octagon$10,000.00

Top Players

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Game)
1.France MarineLorDAlexis Eusebio$240,437.16
2.Serbia BeastyqtAleksandar Krstić$148,842.05
3.Spain LucifroNPedro Moreno Durán$70,483.83
4.Spain VortiXJuan Moreno Durán$69,308.15
5.Greece TheMistaThemistoklis Bonidis$69,197.69
6.Canada 1puppypawRyan Svoboda$67,116.41
7.Canada Wam01Daniel Svoboda$46,960.24
8.United Kingdom DeMuBenjamin Baker$44,892.01
9.Korea, Republic of LeenockLee, Dong Nyoung$41,660.00
10.Norway TheViperØrjan Larsen$40,235.00
11.Russian Federation BeePavel Zhigarev$32,841.30
12.United Kingdom RecoNDaryl Jackson$24,060.22
13.Canada IamMagicNaeem Panchbhaya$21,132.30
14.Belarus AnotandVladislav Minutko$16,972.21
15.China loueMTLi, Junyan$16,169.10
16.Turkey KasvaYunus Özdemir$14,387.36
17.Argentina CapochPatricio Del Olmo$13,258.73
18.Canada HeraHamzah El-Baher$11,143.33
19.Sweden SortOfRickard Bergman$11,103.69
20.Germany ZertoNNico -$10,645.49
21.Australia HuTNicholas Hutton$10,257.64
22.China neptuneXun, Gong$9,182.37
23.Sweden Baltune- -$7,631.01
24.Finland kiljardi- -$7,411.98
25.Germany coReLeon -$6,808.07

Online/LAN Breakdown

LocationPrize Money% of Total
Online Only$832,143.9465.46%

Top Countries

 Country NamePrize Money
1.France France$255,439.32
2.Canada Canada$149,204.56
3.Serbia Serbia$149,167.05
4.Spain Spain$141,638.25
5.United Kingdom United Kingdom$72,671.99
6.Greece Greece$69,297.69
7.China China$68,095.04
8.Russian Federation Russian Federation$47,654.88
9.Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of$46,320.59
10.Germany Germany$44,486.78