British National Team

Total Prize Money Earned:
$402,666.76 From 30 Tournaments

Tournament Results for British National Team

-$0.000 Tournaments0.00%
Arena of Valor$12,460.002 Tournaments3.09%
Beat Saber$0.000 Tournaments0.00%
CS: Source$6,340.601 Tournament1.57%
FIFA$0.000 Tournaments0.00%
FIFA (English Team)$14,500.003 Tournaments3.60%
FIFA (Scottish Team)$2,500.001 Tournament0.62%
Hearthstone$29,021.666 Tournaments7.21%
Heroes of the Storm$1,500.001 Tournament0.37%
osu!$2,806.505 Tournaments0.70%
Overwatch$71,895.006 Tournaments17.85%
PUBG$204,643.003 Tournaments50.82%
Rocket League$12,000.001 Tournament2.98%
Tekken$40,000.001 Tournament9.93%
Warcraft 3$5,000.001 Tournament1.24%


No external sources of information are cited for the player. See tournament references for sources.