
Total Prize Money Earned:
$16,148.03 From 21 Tournaments

ePunks Roster Summary

Heroes of the Storm$10,800.0066.88%
StarCraft 2$0.000.00%

Top Players

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Team)
1.Germany chriZplosionChristopher Zerbe$2,160.00
2.Germany WolfJoeJan Kramer$2,160.00
3.Austria nandeRainer Wöß$2,000.00
4.Germany NicDominic Asal$2,000.00
5.Germany RaidbawZTobias Podeszwa$2,000.00
6.Germany CrisChristoph Gowitzke$160.00
7.Sweden GnappeOscar Svanberg$160.00
8.Netherlands RemmerballerAlexander Remmerswaal$160.00


No external sources of information are cited for the player. See tournament references for sources.