Aware Gaming

Total Prize Money Earned:
$17,114.31 From 11 Tournaments

Aware Gaming Roster Summary

Aware.EU (CoD)$7,864.3145.95%
Aware.Fallacy (CoD)$0.000.00%
Aware.NA (CoD)$9,250.0054.05%

Country Summary

1.United States United States$7,681.6644.88%
2.United Kingdom United Kingdom$3,432.5020.06%
3.Ireland Ireland$625.003.65%

Top Players

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Team)
1.United Kingdom PeatieAdam Peate$1,908.18
2.United States HukeCuyler Garland$1,642.50
3.United States TJHalyThomas Haly$1,542.50
4.United States AccuracyLamar Abedi$1,532.50
5.United States HappyNick Suda$1,532.50
6.United Kingdom JTeeJack Taylor$1,341.08
7.United Kingdom JoeeJoseph Pinnington$1,245.00
8.United Kingdom WatsonJosh Watson$1,245.00
9.United States LawlessRyan Lawless$715.83
10.United States SenderTroy Michaels$715.83
11.United States TempDonovan Laroda$642.50
12.United Kingdom KyLeeKyle McCallum$625.00
13.Ireland McGeeDarren McGee$625.00
14.United Kingdom MomoPhilip Whitfield$625.00
15.United States ChinoMartin Chino$542.50
16.United States FaccentoBrice Faccento$183.33
17.United States PRPLXDBrian Ladd$100.00
18.United States ViciousMichael Santos$100.00
19.United Kingdom MeLoNJon Ogborne$57.27
20.United Kingdom DamoDamien Wild$38.81
21.United Kingdom SunnyBGurdip Bains$38.81
22.United Kingdom Zer0Trei Morris$38.81
23.United Kingdom DesireBen Wright$38.18
24.United Kingdom LewisLewis Walker$19.10
25.United Kingdom QwiKeRShea Sweeney$19.10


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