
Release Date:
Prize Money Awarded:
$237,849.46 From 97 Tournaments
Recorded Date Range:
2010-08-08 to

Tetris is a puzzle video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System released in 1989. It was the first official release of the game and the first official console release of Tetris which was created and published by Nintendo.

Largest Prize Pools

 Tournament NamePrize Money
1.» CTM Mega Masters 2024$26,750.00
2.» CTWC 2022$23,012.00
3.» CTWC 2023$20,800.00
4.» CTM Mega Masters 2023$17,779.04
5.» CTWC 2019$10,000.00
6.» CTWC 2020$10,000.00
7.» CTWC 2021$10,000.00
8.» Honda Fan Cup$7,000.00
9.» CTM MEGA Masters 2022$6,301.00
10.» CTM July 2022$4,023.70
11.» CTM May 2022$3,493.28
12.» CTM March 2022$3,270.79
13.» CTM February 2022$3,144.79
14.» CTM December 2022$3,070.74
15.» CTWC 2013$3,000.00
16.» CTM June 2023$2,575.38
17.» CTM January 2024$2,520.07
18.» CTM December 2023$2,515.02
19.» CTL Season 18$2,500.67
20.» CTM March 2023$2,500.00
21.» CTWC Lone Star Qualifier 2022$2,500.00
22.» CTM September 2022$2,416.82
23.» CTM April 2024$2,345.66
24.» CTM August 2022$2,325.77
25.» CTM February 2023$2,324.98

Top Players

 Player IDPlayer NameTotal (Game)
1.United States FractalJustin Yu$30,916.94
2.United States dogplayingtetrisMichael Artiaga$25,533.04
3.United States Alex TAlex Thach$18,930.04
4.United States P1xelAndyAndrew Artiaga$17,752.20
5.United States HuffulufugusJacob Huff$14,589.78
6.Netherlands SidnevEve Commandeur$10,816.54
7.United States Gerald Freeman- -$10,249.30
8.United States NubbinsGoodyJonas Neubauer$8,750.00
9.United States EricICXEric Tolt$8,745.20
10.United States blue scutiWillis Gibson$5,756.06
11.United States TommyNTG- -$5,457.44
12.United States jdmfx_Joseph Saelee$5,332.48
13.United States MylesTheGreatMyles -$3,643.64
14.United Kingdom SVNestris- -$3,005.68
15.United States HydrantDude8Max Roy$2,980.18
16.United States TristopTristan Kwai$2,677.69
17.United States brodindampAllen Qiu$2,604.29
18.United Kingdom DanVDan Vuong$2,417.49
19.United States DogeNathan Lopez$2,318.27
20.Indonesia zefanyanenuNenu Zefanya Kariko$2,310.65
21.United States Harry HongHarry Hong$2,125.00
22.United States SodiumOverdose- -$2,056.12
23.United States CheeZChristopher Martinez$1,930.75
24.Japan KoryanKoji Nishio$1,850.00
25.United States TheDengler- -$1,586.32

Online/LAN Breakdown

LocationPrize Money% of Total
Online Only$159,210.3266.94%

Top Countries

 Country NamePrize Money
1.United States United States$205,352.13
2.Netherlands Netherlands$10,851.65
3.United Kingdom United Kingdom$6,408.28
4.Canada Canada$2,445.89
5.Japan Japan$2,375.00
6.Indonesia Indonesia$2,310.65
7.Germany Germany$1,358.87
8.Portugal Portugal$1,248.87
9.Singapore Singapore$946.94
10.Mexico Mexico$916.66